
[1] See R. R. Palmer, The Age of Democratic Revolution (1959); J. Godechot, La Grande Nation (1956), Vol. I, Chapter 1.

[2] B. Lewis, The Impact of the French Revolution on Turkey, Journal of World History, I (1953—4, p.105)

[3] H. Sée, Esquisse d’une Histoire du Régime Agraire (1931), pp. 16—17.

[4] A. Soboul, Les Campagnes Montpelliéraines à la fin de l’Ancien Régime (1958).

[5] A. Goodwin, The French Revolution(1959 cd.), p. 70.

[7] D. Greer, The Incidence of the Terror (Harvard 1935).

[8] Oeuvres Complètes de Saint-Just, Vol. II, p. 147 (ed. C. Vellay, Paris 1908).

<h4>第四章 战争</h4>

[1] Cf. e.g. W. von Grootc, Die Entstehung d. Nationalbewussteins in Nordwestdeutschland 1790—1830 (1952).

[2] M. Lewis, A Social History of the Navy, 1793—1815 (1960), pp. 370, 373.

[3] Gordon Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army 1640—1945 (1955), p. 26.

[4] A. Sorel, L’Europe et la révolution francaise, I (1922 ed.), p. 66.

[5] Considérations sur la France, Chapter IV.

[6] Quoted in L.S.Stavrianos,Antecedents to Balkan Revolutions, Journal of Modern History,XXIX,1957, p.344.

[7] G. Bodart, Losses of Life in Modem Wars (1916), p. 133.

[8] J. Vicens Vives ed. Historia Social de Espaňa y America (1956), IV, ii, p. 15.

[9] G. Bruun, Europe and the French Imperium (1938), p. 72.

[10] J. Leverrier, La Naissance de l’armée nationale, 1789—94 (1939), p. 139; G.Lefebvre,Napoléon(1936), pp. 198, 527; M. Lewis, op. cit., p. 119; Parliamentary Papers XVII, 1859, p. 15.

[11] Mulhall, Dictionary of Statistics: War.

[12] Cabinet Cyclopedia, I, pp. 55—6 (‘Manufactures in Metal’).

[13] E. Tarlé, Le Blocus continental et le royaume d’Italie(1928), pp. 3—4, 25—31; H. Sée, Histoire Economique de la France,II, p. 52; Mulhall, loc. cit.

[14] Gayer, Rostow and Schwartz, Growth and Fluctuation of the British Economy, 1790—1850 (1953), pp. 646—9; F. Crouzet, Le blocus continental et l’économie Britannique (1958), p. 868 ff.

<h4>第五章 和平</h4>

[1] Castlereagh, Correspondence, Third Series, XI, p. 105.

[2] Gentz, Depêches inédites, I, p. 371.

[3] J. Richardson, My Dearest Uncle, Leopold of the Belgians (1961), p. 165.

[4] R. Cameron, op. cit. p. 85.

[5] F. Ponteil, Lafayette et la Pologne (1934).

<h4>第六章 革命</h4>

[1] Luding Boerne, Gesammelte Schriften, III, pp. 130—1.

[2] Memoirs of Prince Metternich, p. 468.

[3] Vienna, Verwaltungsarchiv: Polizeihofstelle H 136/1834, passim.

[4] Guizot, Of Democracy in Modern Societies (London 1838), p. 32.

[5] The most lucid discussion of this general revolutionary strategy is contained in Marx’ articles in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung during the 1848 revolution.

[6] M. L. Hansen, The Atlantic Migration (1945), p. 147.

[7] F. C. Mather, The Government and the Chartists, in A. Briggs ed. Chartist Studies(1959).

[8] cf. Parliamentary Papers, XXXIV, of 1834; answers to question 53 (causes and consequences of the agricultural riots and burning of 1830 and 1831), e.g. Lambourn, Speen (Berks), Steeple Claydon (Bucks), Bonington (Glos), Evenley (Northants).

[9] R. Dautry, 1848 et la Deuxième République (1848), p. 80.

[10] St. Kiniewicz, La Pologne et l’Italie à I’époque du printemps des peuples. La Pologne au Xe Congrés International Historique, 1955, p. 245.

[11] D. Cantimori in F. Fejtö ed., The Opening of an Era: 1848 (1948), p. 119.

[12] D. Read, Press and People (1961), p. 216.

[13] Irene Collins, Government and Newspaper Press in France, 1814—81 (1959).

[14] cf. E. J. Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels (1959). pp.171—2; V. Volguine, Les idées socialistes et communistes dans les sociétés secrètes (Questions d’Histoire, II, 1954,pp.10—37); A. B. Spitzer, The Revolutionary Theories of Auguste Blanqui (1957), pp.165—6.

[15] G.D. H. Cole and A. W. Filson, British Working Class Movements. Select Documents (1951), p. 402

[16] J. Zubrzycki, Emigration from Poland, Population Studies, VI, (1952—3), p. 248.

[17] Engels to Marx, March 9, 1847.

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