
THE next turn of the road-brought them out from among the trees and there, across green lawns, sheltered from the north wind by the high wooded ridge at its back, they saw the castle of Anvard. It was very old and built of a warm, reddish-brown stone.

Before they had reached the gate King Lune came out to meet them, not looking at all like Aravis s idea of a king and wearing the oldest of old clothes;for he had just come from making a round of the kennels with his Huntsman and had only stopped for a moment to wash his doggy hands. But the bow with which he greeted Aravis as he took her hand would have been stately enough for an Emperor.

"Little lady," he said, "we bid you very heartily welcome. If my dear wife were still alive we could make you better cheer but could not do it with a better will. And I am sorry that you have had misfortunes and been driven from your father s house, which cannot but be a grief to you. My son Cor has told me about your adventures together and all your valor."

"It was he who did all that, Sir," said Aravis. "Why, he rushed at a lion to save me."

"Eh, what's that ?" said King Lune, his face brightening. "I haven' t heard that part of the story."

Then Aravis told it. And Cor, who had very much wanted the story to be known, though he felt he couldn' t tell it himself, didn' t enjoy it so much as he had expected, and indeed felt rather foolish. But his father enjoyed it very much indeed and in the course of the next few weeks told it to so many people that Cor wished it had never happened.

Then the King turned to Hwin and Bree and was just as polite to them as to Aravis, and asked them a lot of questions about their families and where they had lived in Narnia before they had been captured. The Horses were rather tongue-tied for they weren't yet used to being talked to as equals by Humans grown-up Humans, that is.They didn' t mind Aravis and Cor.

Presently Queen Lucy came out from the castle and joined them and King Lune said to Aravis, "My dear, here is a loving friend of our house, and she has been seeing that your apartments are put to rights for you better than I could have done it."

"You'd like to come and see them, wouldn't you ?" said Lucy, kissing Aravis. They liked each other at once and soon went away together to talk about Aravis' s bedroom and Aravis' s boudoir and about getting clothes for her,and all the sort of things girls do talk about on such an occasion.

After lunch,which they had on the terrace (it was cold birds and cold game pie and wine and bread and cheese), King Lune ruffled up his brow and heaved a sigh and said,"Heigh-ho ! We have still that sorry creature Rabadash on our hands, my friends, and must needs resolve what to do with him."

Lucy was sitting on the King' s right and Aravis on his left. King Edmund sat at one end of the table and the Lord Darrin faced him at the other.Dar and Peridan and Cor and Corin were on the same side as the King.

"Your Majesty would have a perfect right to strike off his head," said Peridan. "Such an assault as he made puts him on a level with assassins."

"It is very true," said Edmund."But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did."And he looked very thoughtful.

"To kill this Rabadash would go near to raising war with the Tisroc,"said Darrin.

"A fig for the Tisroc," said King Lune."His strength is in numbers and numbers will never cross the desert. But I have no stomach for killing men (even traitors) in cold blood. To have cut his throat in the battle would have eased my heart mightily, but this is a different thing."

"By my counsel," said Lucy,"your Majesty shall give him another trial. Let him go free on strait promise of fair dealing in the future.It may be that he will keep his word."

"Maybe Apes will grow honest, Sister, "said Edmund. "But, by the Lion, if he breaks it again, may it be in such time and place that any of us could swap off his head in clean battle."

"It shall be tried," said the King: and then to one of the attendants,"Send for the prisoner, friend. "

Rabadash was brought before them in chains. To look at him anyone would have supposed that he had passed the night in a noisome dungeon without food or water;but in reality he had been shut up in quite a comfortable room and provided with an excellent supper. But as he was sulking far too furiously to touch the supper and had spent the whole night stamping and roaring and cursing, he naturally did not now look his best.

"Your royal Highness needs not to be told," said King Lune,"that by the law of nations as well as by all reasons of prudent policy, we have as good right to your head as ever one mortal man had against another. Nevertheless, in consideration of your youth and the ill nurture, devoid of all gentilesse and courtesy, which you have doubtless had in the land of slaves and tyrants, we are disposed to set you free, unharmed, on these conditions: first, that—"

"Curse you for a barbarian dog !" spluttered Rabadash. "Do you think I will even hear your conditions ? Faugh !You talk very largely of nurture and I know not what.It s easy,to a man in chains,ha !Take off these vile bonds,give me a sword, and let any of you who dares then debate with me."

Nearly all the lords sprang to their feet,and Corin shouted:

"Father !Can I box him ? Please. "

"Peace !Your Majesties !My Lords !" said King Lune. "Have we no more gravity among us than to be so chafed by the taunt of a pajock ?Sit down,Corin,or shaft leave the table. I ask your Highness again,to hear our conditions."

"I hear no conditions from barbarians and sorcerers," said Rabadash."Not one of you dare touch a hair of my head. Every insult you have heaped on me shall be paid with oceans of Narnian and Archenlandish blood. Terrible shall the vengeance of the Tisroc be: even now. But kill me, and the burnings and torturings in these northern lands shall become a tale to frighten the world a thousand years hence. Beware ! Beware ! Beware ! The bolt of Tash falls from above !"

"Does it ever get caught on a hook half-way ?" asked Corin.

"Shame,Corin," said the King."Never taunt a man save when he is stronger than you: then,as you please."

"Oh you foolish Rabadash," sighed Lucy. Next moment Cor wondered why everyone at the table had risen and was standing perfectly still. Of course he did the same himself. And then he saw the reason. Aslan was among them though no one had seen him coming. Rabadash started as the immense shape of the Lion paced softly in between him and his accusers.

"Rabadash," said Aslan. "Take heed. Your doom is very near, but you may still avoid it. Forget your pride (what have you to be proud of ?) and your anger (who has done you wrong ?)and accept the mercy of these good kings."

Then Rabadash rolled his eyes and spread out his mouth into a horrible, long mirthless grin like a shark, and wagged his ears up and down (anyone can learn how to do this if they take the trouble). He had always found this very effective in Calormen. The bravest had trembled when he made these faces, and ordinary people had fallen to the floor, and sensitive people had often fainted. But what Rabadash hadn' t realized is that it is very easy to frighten people who know you can have them boiled alive the moment you give the word. The grimaces didn' t look at all alarming in Archenland; indeed Lucy only thought Rabadash was going to be sick.

"Demon ! Demon ! Demon !" shrieked the Prince. "I know you. You are the foul fiend of Narnia. You are the enemy of the gods. Learn who I am, horrible phantasm. I am descended from Tash, the inexorable, the irresistible. the curse of Tash is upon you. Lightning in the shape of scorpions shall be rained on you. The mountains of Narnia shall be ground into dust. The—"

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