
WE must now return to Aravis and the Horses. The Hermit, watching his pool, was able to tell them that Shasta was not killed or even seriously wounded, for he saw him get up and saw how affectionately he was greeted by King Lune. But as he could only see, not hear, he did not know what anyone was saying and, once the fighting had stopped and the talking had begun, it was not worthwhile looking in the pool any longer.

Next morning, while the Hermit was indoors, the three of them discussed what they should do next.

"I've had enough of this," said Hwin. "The Hermit has been very good to us and I m very much obliged to him I m sure. But I m getting as fat as a pet pony,eating all day and getting no exercise.Let s go on to Narnia."

"Oh not today,Ma'am," said Bree."I wouldn't hurry things.Some other day,don t you think ?"

"We must see Shasta first and say good-bye to him-and-and apologize,"said Aravis.

"Exactly !" said Bree with great enthusiasm. "Just what I was going to say."

"Oh, of course," said Hwin. "I expect he is in Anvard. Naturally we d look in on him and say good-bye. But that s on our way. And why shouldn t we start at once ? After all, I thought it was Narnia we all wanted to get to ?"

"I suppose so," said Aravis. She was beginning to wonder what exactly she would do when she got there and was feeling a little lonely.

"Of course, of course," said Bree hastily. "But there's no need to rush things, if you know what I mean."

"No, I don't know what you mean," said Hwin. "Why don t you want to go ?"

"M-m-m, broo-hoo," muttered Bree. "Well, don't you see, Ma am-it s an important occasion-returning to one s country-entering society-the best society-it is so essential to make a good impression-not perhaps looking quite ourselves, yet,eh ?"

Hwin broke out into a horse-laugh. "It's your tail, Bree ! I see it all now. You want to wait till your tail s grown again ! And we don t even know if tails are worn long in Narnia. Really, Bree, you re as vain as that Tarkheena in Tashbaan !"

"You are silly, Bree," said Aravis.

"By the Lion's Mane, Tarkheena, I'm nothing of the sort," said Bree indignantly. "I have a proper respect for myself and for my fellow horses, that s all."

"Bree," said Aravis, who was not very interested in the cut of his tail, "I've been wanting to ask you something for a long time. Why do you keep on swearing By the Lion and By the Lion s Mane ? I thought you hated lions."

"So I do," answered Bree. "But when I speak of the Lion of course I mean Aslan, the great deliverer of Narnia who drove away the Witch and the Winter.All Narnians swear by him."

"But is he a lion ?"

"No,no,of course not," said Bree in a rather shocked


"All the stories about him in Tashbaan say he is," replied Aravis. "And if he isn't a lion why do you call him a lion ?"

"Well, you'd hardly understand that at your age," said Bree. "And I was only a little foal when I left so I don't quite fully understand it myself."

(Bree was standing with his back to the green wall while he said this, and the other two were facing him. He was talking in rather a superior tone with his eyes half shut;that was why he didn t see the changed expression in the faces of Hwin and Aravis. They had good reason to have open mouths and staring eyes;because while Bree spoke they saw an enormous lion leap up from outside and balance itself on the top of the green wall;only it was a brighter yellow and it was bigger and more beautiful and more alarming than any lion they had ever seen. And at once it jumped down inside the wall and began approaching Bree from behind. It made no noise at all. And Hwin and Aravis couldn t make any noise themselves, no more than if they were frozen.)

"No doubt," continued Bree,"when they speak of him as a Lion they only mean he s as strong as a lion or (to our enemies, of course) as fierce as a lion.Or something of that kind.Even a little girl like you, Aravis, must see that it would be quite absurd to suppose he is a real lion.Indeed it would be disrespectful. If he was a lion he d have to be a Beast just like the rest of us. Why !" (and here Bree began to laugh) "If he was a lion he'd have four paws,and a tail,and Whiskers!-Aie,ooh, hoo-hoo !Help !"

For just as he said the word Whiskers one of Aslan s had actually tickled his ear. Bree shot away like an arrow to the other side of the enclosure and there turned;the wall was too high for him to jump and he could fly no farther. Aravis and Hwin both started back.There was about a second of intense silence.

Then Hwin, though shaking all over, gave a strange little neigh,and trotted across to the Lion.

"Please,"she said,"you're so beautiful. You may eat me if you like. I d sooner be eaten by you than fed by anyone else."

"Dearest daughter," said Aslan, planting a lion's kiss on her twitching, velvet nose,"I knew you would not be long in coming to me.Joy shall be yours."

Then he lifted his head and spoke in a louder voice.

"Now, Bree," he said,"you poor, proud frightened Horse,draw near.Nearer still, my son.Do not dare not to dare. Touch me. Smell me. Here are my paws, here is my tail, these are my whiskers.I am a true Beast."

"Aslan," said Bree in a shaken voice,"I'm afraid I must be rather a fool."

"Happy the Horse who knows that while he is still young. Or the Human either. Draw near, Aravis my daughter. See ! My paws are velveted.You will not be torn this time."

"This time,sir ?" said Aravis.

"It was I who wounded you," said Aslan. "I am the only lion you met in all your journeyings. Do you know why I tore you ?"

No, sir.

"The scratches on your back, tear for tear, throb for throb, blood for blood, were equal to the stripes laid on the back of your stepmother s slave because of the drugged sleep you cast upon her.You needed to know what it felt like."


"Ask on, my dear," said Aslan.

"Will any more harm come to her by what I did ?"

"Child," said the Lion, "I am telling you your story, not hers. No one is told any story but their own."Then he shook his head and spoke in a lighter voice.

"Be merry,little ones," he said. "We shall meet soon again.But before that you will have another visitor."Then in one bound he reached the top of the wall and vanished from their sight. Strange to say,they felt no inclination to talk to one another about him after he had gone. They all moved slowly away to different parts of the quiet grass and there paced to and fro, each alone, thinking.

About half an hour later the two Horses were summoned to the back of the house to eat something nice that the Hermit had got ready for them and Aravis,still walking and thinking, was startled by the harsh sound of a trumpet outside the gate. "Who is there ?" asked Aravis.

"His Royal Highness Prince Cor of Archenland," said a voice from outside.

Aravis undid the door and opened it, drawing back a little way to let the strangers in.

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